You may ask yourself, why is having a good credit score so important? Well, your credit score is literally what you are going to depend on when you start making big financial purchases. Most of these purchases such as buying a home, or a car require you to get a loan unless you are going to be paying cash for them. What a lot of people don’t know is that in order for you to get the best interest rates on these loans, you absolutely need to make sure that your credit score is in good standing. So, if you plan on making any big purchases that require your credit to get pulled, stick around and we’ll give you some hacks that can help you increase your credit score, so you don’t ever have to overpay on interest.
Understand Your Credit Score
Let’s first jump to the basics, what exactly is a credit score? Your credit score is a 3-digit number that ranges between 300 – 850. Banks and lenders look at these numbers to make a judgement on your personal financial habits. This allows them to see if they can trust you when it comes to lending you money. The higher your credit score, the better chances you have at getting lower interest rates and vice versa.
So, what makes up a credit score anyways? These five factors are the most important to take into consideration when wanting to have a good credit score:
- Payment History (35%)
- Credit Utilization (30%)
- Length of Credit History (15%)
- Credit Mix (10%)
- New Credit (10%)
While it may seem really easy to keep your credit score in good standing, sometimes life can get difficult and that’s where problems start to rise. For Example, maybe you got laid off of work and you cannot afford to pay your bills, this is going to have a severe impact on your credit depending on how long this last. Understanding each factor that goes into your credit score can really help you make better choices financially.
The Power of Payment Timing
Hack #1: Make Payments Twice a Month
One of the easiest ways to lower your credit utilization ratio is by making payments twice a month. Instead of making a single payment when your bill is due, try splitting it into two smaller payments. For example, if your credit card bill is $500, pay $250 in the middle of the month and $250 at the end. This approach can help keep your reported balances lower throughout the month, effectively reducing your credit utilization ratio, which makes up 30% of your credit score.
Example Scenario: Let’s say your credit limit is $1,000, and your balance is $600. By paying $300 mid-month and another $300 at the end, your balance reported to credit bureaus may show as lower, improving your utilization ratio and, ultimately, your score.
Hack #2: Pay Off Balances Before Statement Date
Another effective strategy is paying off your balances before your statement date. Your statement date is when your credit card issuer reports your balance to the credit bureaus. By paying off or significantly reducing your balance before this date, you can ensure that a lower balance is reported, which improves your credit utilization ratio and boosts your score.
Strategic Credit Utilization
Hack #3: Increase Your Credit Limits
Increasing your credit limits can also improve your credit utilization ratio. You can request a credit limit increase from your credit card issuer. If approved, this will raise your overall credit limit, making your balances a smaller percentage of your total available credit.
Caution: While this can be beneficial, it’s important not to increase your spending with higher limits. The goal is to keep your utilization low, not to create more debt.
Hack #4: Become an Authorized User
Becoming an authorized user on someone else’s well-managed credit card account can also help boost your score. As an authorized user, the account’s positive payment history and low utilization can reflect on your credit report.
Steps to Take: Ask a trusted family member or friend with good credit to add you as an authorized user. Ensure that they have a good payment history and low utilization, as their habits will affect your score. Be aware of the potential risks, such as their negative behavior also impacting your credit.
Removing Negative Items
Hack #5: Dispute Errors on Your Credit Report
Mistakes on your credit report can significantly impact your score. Regularly check your report for errors, such as incorrect account information or inaccurate payment statuses. If you feel that there are too many errors on your account, that’s what where we step in to help you!
Hack #6: Negotiate with Creditors
Sometimes, you can negotiate with creditors to remove negative items from your credit report. This could involve settling an old debt in exchange for removal of the negative entry.
Tips for Success:
- Be polite and persistent.
- Offer to pay the debt in full or settle for a lesser amount in exchange for removing the negative entry.
- Use a sample negotiation script to guide your conversation, such as, “I am willing to pay [specific amount] immediately if you can remove the late payment mark from my credit report.”
Smart Credit Building Techniques
Hack #7: Use a Secured Credit Card
A secured credit card is a great tool for building or rebuilding your credit. With a secured card, you make a deposit that acts as your credit limit. This card functions like a regular credit card, and responsible use is reported to credit bureaus.
Recommendations: Look for secured cards with low fees and ones that report to all three major credit bureaus.
Hack #8: Take Out a Credit-Builder Loan
Credit-builder loans are specifically designed to help individuals build credit. You make regular payments, and once the loan is paid off, you receive the loan amount.
Advanced Credit Management
Hack #9: Keep Old Accounts Open
The age of your credit accounts contributes to your credit score. Keeping older accounts open, even if you don’t use them often, can positively impact your score.
Strategies for Managing Older Accounts:
- Use these accounts occasionally for small purchases to keep them active.
- Set up automatic payments to ensure they are always in good standing.
Hack #10: Limit Hard Inquiries
Hard inquiries occur when a lender checks your credit report for a loan or credit card application. Too many hard inquiries in a short period can lower your score.
How to Minimize Hard Inquiries:
- Avoid applying for multiple credit accounts in a short time.
- When shopping for loans, do so within a short period (e.g., 30 days), as multiple inquiries of the same type are usually counted as one.
Improving your credit score might seem like a scary task, but with the right strategies, it can definitely be done. By implementing these credit score hacks, you can take control of your financial future and ensure you get the best interest rates and loan terms possible.
Remember, consistency is key. Regularly monitor your credit, stay disciplined with your payments, and make informed financial decisions. Small, consistent actions can lead to great improvements over time. If you need personalized assistance or have questions about your specific situation, don’t hesitate to contact us for professional credit repair help.
If you’re ready to start your journey towards a higher credit score and better financial opportunities, fill out our free evaluation form!